Detail Buku
Judul The Big Three in Economics
Sub Judul Adam Smith, Karl Max, and John Maynard Keyness
Judul Asli The Big Three in Economics
Sub Judul Asli Adam Smith, Karl Max, and John Maynard Keyness
Deskripsi Fisik 257
Penerbit M.E. Sharpe
Kota New York
Tahun 2007
ISBN 0-7656-1694-7
No Panggil
Bahasa Inggris
Update Terakhir Sabtu, 24 April 2021, 13:51 wib
About the book

During the past three centuries, three economists stand out as archetypes, symbols of three distinct approaches to economic philosophy. In the eighteenth century, Adam Smith, a student of the Scottish Enlighten-ment, expounded a “system of natural liberty” (what we might term a liberal democratic order consisting of an unfettered market and limited government), and elucidated how a nation flourishes and advances the standard of living of its citizens. In the nineteenth century, the German philosopher Karl Marx attracted and inspired workers and intellectuals who felt disenfranchised by industrial capitalism and sought radical solutions to inequality, alienation, and exploitation of the underprivileged. Finally, in the twentieth century, the British economist John Maynard Keynes sought to stabilize a crisis-prone market system through activist fiscal and monetary government policies.

Daftar Lampiran

The Big Three in Economics:Adam Smith, Karl Max, and John Maynard Keyness
24-Apr-2021, 13:52 WIB


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