Detail Buku
Judul The Encyclopedia of World Religions
Deskripsi Fisik 529 halaman
Penerbit Fact On File
Kota New York
Tahun 2007
ISBN 978-0-8160-6141-9
No Panggil
Bahasa Inggris
Update Terakhir Selasa, 04 Mei 2021, 12:26 wib
About the book

Religion is one of the most important areas of human life. It has caused wars, inspired great acts of compassion, and produced some of the most exalted literature and philosophy known to humanity. Yet it is often diffi cult to get information on the world’s religious traditions, information that is not only simple and interesting to read but also objective, not partial to the point of view of one religious tradition or another. The purpose of The Encyclopedia of World Religions is to help you fi nd this kind of information.

We need always to recognize that religion can be looked at in two ways, from outside and inside. The “outside” point of view means identifying some basic facts—for example, the history, teachings, practices, and organization of a religion, facts that can be called out during research. The “inside” point of view means taking a close look at the people who live and worship in that tradition.

To truly understand a religion as it exists for real people, then, you need to be able to get inside—to begin to understand the feelings of a religion’s believers, their ways of looking at the world, and the things that are most important in their religious lives. Gaining inside understanding does not mean you have to agree with believers or even accept the representations of their beliefs; it just gives you the ability to empathize with, or have a feeling for, other peoples’ values.

Although an encyclopedia like this one can easily provide material for the outside point of view, it is hoped it will make you interested enough to want to also gather some inside perspectives through further reading, especially in the sacred songs and scriptures of religions, and above all by meeting and talking with people of various religious backgrounds. In the United States today, people of almost all backgrounds are accessible because temples of nearly all the world’s religions can be found in most large cities. The religious world, in other words, not only is found in books but is also a living reality all around us.

As you use The Encyclopedia of World Religions, you will fi nd that you often need to go from one entry to another to fi nd certain new words or ideas explained. To assist you in locating information on topics related to the entry in which you begin to read, you will notice that some words within an article serve as cross-references and appear in SMALL CAPITAL LETTERS. A word in SMALL CAPITAL LETTERS indicates that there is an entry within the encyclopedia for that word, an entry to which you can refer for additional information. Be sure to look up any other words you do not understand in a dictionary or other reference book. Best wishes, and welcome to the wonderful and fascinating realm of the world’s religions.

—Robert S. Ellwood

General Editor

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04-Mei-2021, 23:04 WIB


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