Judul | The Encyclopedia of Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories |
Penulis | |
Deskripsi Fisik | 433 halaman |
Penerbit | Fact On File |
Kota | New York |
Tahun | 2006 |
ISBN | 0–8160–5540–8 |
DDC | |
No Panggil | |
Genre/Subjek | |
Bahasa | Inggris |
Seri | |
Update Terakhir | Rabu, 05 Mei 2021, 13:11 wib |
Black’s Law Dictionary defines a conspiracy as “a combination or confederacy between two or more persons formed for the purpose of committing, by their joint efforts, some unlawful or criminal act.” That is it, in a nutshell—and the marvel of modern journalism is that virtually any suggestion of an active conspiracy provokes knee-jerk charges of “paranoia,” “eccentricity,” or outright “delusional insanity.”
In fact, we are surrounded by conspiracies each day, around the world, in every walk of life. Each time a pair of thieves goes shoplifting, it is a conspiracy. Wherever prostitutes and pushers meet with johns and junkies, conspiracies thrive and multiply. Each time a bribe is offered and accepted, anywhere criminals or corrupt politicians plot illicit backroom deals for their own benefit, wherever police ignore the commission of crime—there lies conspiracy.
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Konspirasi 05-Mei-2021, 13:12 WIB |
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