Detail Buku
Judul Encyclopedia of Biology
Deskripsi Fisik 417 halaman
Penerbit Fact On File
Kota New York
Tahun 2004
ISBN 0-8160-4859-2
No Panggil
Bahasa Inggris
Update Terakhir Rabu, 05 Mei 2021, 13:22 wib
About the book

Facts On File’s Encyclopedia of Biology is a reference to help in understanding the basic concepts in biology and its peripheral disciplines like ecology, botany, and even Earth science. Arranged in alphabetical order, the entries include biographies of individuals who have made major contributions as well as numerous line illustrations and photographs to help in visualizing technical concepts.

I have tried to include the more common terms you will likely encounter during your educational experience or even when you are out in the “real” world. There are literally thousands of biological terms. Many are so specific to major or minor subdisciplines of biology that you may never encounter them. You will not find those esoteric terms in this encyclopedia but, rather, a collection of terms that you should be familiar with to understand core biological principles and have a working knowledge of the field. You can also use this volume simply to increase your scientific vocabulary. A series of well-placed essays elaborate on some of the most important trends and issues in the field. One of these describes how the use of computer technology has revealed an artificial toe in a mummy that is thousands of years old. You will also learn how blood is used in forensic science to capture criminals and read about the latest trends in human cytogenetics. Other essays will make you think about your role in the world and explore some of the negative effects we humans have had on the biological world, in particular to the insect family.

Daftar Lampiran

Ensiklopedi Biologi
05-Mei-2021, 13:23 WIB


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