Detail Buku
Judul Encyclopedia of Chemistry
Deskripsi Fisik 353 halaman
Penerbit Fact On File
Kota New York
Tahun 2005
ISBN 0-8160-4894-0
No Panggil
Bahasa Inggris
Update Terakhir Rabu, 05 Mei 2021, 13:37 wib
About the book

Facts On File’s Encyclopedia of Chemistry is a reference to understanding the basic concepts in chemistry and its peripheral disciplines—crystallography; analytical, surface, physical, polymer, inorganic, and organic chemistry; bio-, geo-, and electrochemistry; and others. Arranged in alphabetical order, the entries include biographies of individuals who have made major contributions as well as numerous illustrations and photographs to help in visualizing technical concepts.

Chemistry is the study of matter—in its many forms—and the way these forms react with each other. It deals with the smallest of ions that are used in the human body to process energy, with the inner workings of the Earth’s core, and even with the faraway study of the chemical composition of rocks on Mars. Chemistry is a pervasive science, or as an anonymous writer once wrote, “What in the world isn’t chemistry?”

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Ensiklopedi Kimia
05-Mei-2021, 13:38 WIB


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