Detail Buku
Judul The History of Java
Deskripsi Fisik 588 halaman
Kota London
Tahun 1817
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Bahasa Inggris
Update Terakhir Kamis, 06 Mei 2021, 9:25 wib
About the book

IN reprinting the History of Java in its present form, the Editor feels it necessary to say a few words. Though the first edition of this work has been ho-nored with extraer denary success, and has long been exhausted, so that copies have become rare, yet Sir STAMFORD RAFFLES always considered it as a hasty production, requiring great alteration and improvement ; and if it had pleased God to prolong his course of usefulness in this world, he would have bestowed upon it those corrections and additions which he thought it required. The present Editor has only ventured to add a few short notes which she found prepared by Sir sram-FORD. and to omit, according to his intention, the larger part of the comparative vocabularies, retaining only a hundred words in each language. The additional plates were prepared some years ago for a second quarto edition : they are now pub-lished, with those belonging to the first edition, in a separate quarto volume, detached entirely from the present work. 

For the drawings from which the engravings of the antiquities are made, Sir STAMFORD was indebted to Lieut.-Colonel BARER, of the East India Company's service ; and the present Editor is happy to have this opportunity of acknowledging the obligation, as well as her thanks, for many kind intentions to aid her in reprin tun this history. On the subject of the plates which originally ac-companied the quarto edition, Sir STANFORD stated in the Preface -to that edition, p. ix, as follows : " The plates which accompany this work, not otherwise the-tinguished, are from the graver, and many of the designs from the pencil of Mr. WILLIAM DANIELL, who has devoted his undivided attention in forming a proper conception of his subject, and spared neither time nor exertion in the execution." The Editor has only to add, that the size of the map of Java rendered it impossible to unite it with the present edition of the History, it is therefore added to the engravings ; and it is also prepared for separate circulation. 

Shopia Raffles

High Wood, Dec. 31, 1829


Daftar Lampiran

06-Mei-2021, 9:31 WIB


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