Judul | Drawing for the Absolute Beginner |
Sub Judul | A Clear & Easy Guide to Successful Drawing |
Penulis | |
Deskripsi Fisik | 131 halaman |
Penerbit | North Light Book |
Kota | |
Tahun | 2006 |
ISBN | 978-1-60061-601-3 |
DDC | |
No Panggil | |
Genre/Subjek | |
Bahasa | Inggris |
Seri | |
Update Terakhir | Sabtu, 08 Mei 2021, 20:41 wib |
Mark Willenbrink is a freelance illustrator and fi ne artist whose work has been displayed in fi ne art shows, with several paintings receiving awards. Mark also teaches art classes and workshops using demonstration, simple instructions and professional tricks to help his students achieve beautiful artwork they can be proud to display.
Mary Willenbrink has her master’s degree. She is a Christian counselor and author, but feels her highest calling is to be home to raise her children. As a husband and wife team, Mark and Mary have authored and illustrated Water-color for the Absolute Beginner (North Light, 2003), and the book has been translated into several languages. Mark’s writings and illustrations have been featured in a number of other art instruction books. Mark is a contributing editor for Watercolor Magic Magazine. His regularly featured column, “Brush Basics” has been rated as a favorite among the magazine’s readers. Mark and Mary reside in Cincinnati, Ohio, with their three children.
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Drawing Book 08-Mei-2021, 20:42 WIB |
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