Judul | Essentials of Ecology |
Penulis | |
Deskripsi Fisik | 383 halaman |
Penerbit | |
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No Panggil | |
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Bahasa | Inggris |
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Update Terakhir | Jumat, 14 Mei 2021, 6:01 wib |
Welcome to environmental science—an interdisciplin-ary study of how the earth works, how we interact with the earth, and how we can deal with the environmental problems we face. Because environmental issues affect every part of your life, the concepts, information, and issues discussed in this book and the course you are taking will be useful to you now and throughout your life.
Understandably, we are biased, but we strongly believe that environmental science is the single most important course in your education. What could be more important than learning how the earth works, how we are affecting its life support system, and how we can reduce our environmental impact?
We live in an incredibly challenging era. We are becoming increasingly aware that during this century we need to make a new cultural transition in which we learn how to live more sustainably by sharply reducing the degradation of our life-support system. We hope this book will inspire you to become involved in this change in the way we view and treat the earth, which sustains us and our economies and all other living things.
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ecology 14-Mei-2021, 6:03 WIB |
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