Judul | The Complete Idiot's Guide To The Science of Everything |
Penulis | |
Deskripsi Fisik | 369 halaman |
Penerbit | Alpha |
Kota | New York |
Tahun | 2008 |
ISBN | |
DDC | |
No Panggil | |
Genre/Subjek | |
Bahasa | Inggris |
Seri | |
Update Terakhir | Jumat, 14 Mei 2021, 10:49 wib |
Science is too often presented either as a huge database of facts or as an endeavor that is open only to a highly educated group of elite thinkers. It is neither of these. In its essence, science is a process, a way of looking at a question and finding an answer.
Step-by-step, scientists look at a problem and ask, “How can I test this to see if it is true?” Asking one question at a time, they have built a body of knowledge too vast to be held in single library.
Daftar Lampiran
Science 14-Mei-2021, 10:50 WIB |
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